Is your Current Passport Limiting Your Opportunities ?

Citizenship by InvestmentThe Visa Centre is very pleased to announce an exciting new pathway to residence and citizenship by way of investment. With the investment or non-refundable contribution and subject to a stringent vetting and due diligence process, including thorough background checks, applicants and their families are granted citizenship/residence.

In simple terms depending on how many dependents and the purpose of obtaining a quality passport or residency, The Visa Centre will guide you by way of introduction to the most appropriate program.

Please check your current passport rankings as per the Henley Passport Index ( The ranking will tell you how many countries you currently have visa-free access to. If you or any member of your family has ever had a visa REJECTED or despite your current wealth and social status has had to struggle to get a simple visit visa to see friends, relations or business contacts this then is the PERFECT SOLUTION.

A simple investment or donation depending on your requirement will secure you and your family’s future for generations. This is undoubtedly the simplest and best investment you will ever make in terms of global VISA FREE ACCESS and mobility to over 135 countries including the UK, the US, Canada, and 26 EU countries (dependent on which program you opt for). In addition to all of this, your children’s education, freedom of speech, retirement lifestyle, and the security of living, working and creating opportunities for building a network of wealth generating income streams will present itself simply due to the status you will enjoy with your new citizenship.

Each and every program has been carefully designed to ensure that the applicant obtains his or her citizenship or residence in the shortest possible time frame with the minimum cost.

The programs have degrees of complexity but to ensure that each and every application is compliant a pre-screening process is undertaken for due diligence.

It is only when client meets the stringent criteria that a contract for service will be issued. The applicant can then move forward with confidence.

The Visa Centre will brief all clients on the pre-screening process, please contact us.