Adult Dependent

Adult Dependent

An adult (over 18 year old) family member may apply to settle permanently in the UK (‘indefinite leave to enter or remain’) if he/she is one of the following in relation to a British citizen or person settled in the UK:

  • parent or
  • grandparent or
  • brother or sister or
  • son or daughter
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  • Requirements


    • The applicant is in need of long-term personal care to perform every day tasks, such as washing and cooking.
    • The care needed is not available in the applicant’s home country (where currently living), either because it is not available and there is no person in that country who can reasonably provide it or it is not affordable.
    • The sponsor can show that he/she is able to provide adequate maintenance, accommodation and care for the applicant without having to rely on public funds. He/she needs to sign a sponsorship form undertaking to take responsibility for the applicant’s care without relying on public funds for at least 5 years.

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